Assalamualaikom and Good Day.
I am apologize due lately to greetz you all happy celebrate Merdeka day. As we know Merdeka daya is very meaningful to our country and our lovely family today. Without Merdeka we still can not archive what we got today.
As Muslim we are tough to represent thankfully to our Almighty God Allah for blessing us and rewarding us this peaceful manner. What ever we are in any level of status, skin color, hometown or nation still together celebrate and thankful.
I like to pointing you to what i saw when browse Google main page. Tadaaa...even US product greet us for Merdeka day.
Starting 2007, Google already involving to make its site to be closer to locality. This is by showing a very simple and nice Merdeka logo so on.
We called it Google Doodle. Lets how i can show you what Google Merdeka Doodle starting from 2007.
Google Merdeka Doodle 2007
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Google Merdeka Doodle 2007 | | |
Google Merdeka Doodle 2009
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Google Merdeka Doodle 2009 |
Google Merdeka Doodle 2011
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Google Merdeka Doodle 2011 |
Google Merdeka Doodle 2012
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Google Merdeka Doodle 2012 |
Whatever those US product greeting our National Day celebration, we also must appreciate to our own National Day theme logo.
List Of Our Merdeka National Day Slogan:
Year Theme1970 Muhibah dan Perpaduan(Love and Unity)
1971 Masyarakat Progresif(Progressive Society)
1972 Masyarakat Adil(Fair Society)
1973 Masyarakat Berkebudayaan Malaysia(A Society with Malaysian Culture)
1974 Sains dan Teknologi Alat Perpaduan(Science and Technology as Tools of Unity)
1975 Masyarakat Berdikari(A Self-Reliant Society)
1976 Ketahanan Rakyat(Strength of the People)
1977 Bersatu Maju(United and Progressive)
1978 Kebudayaan Sendi Perpaduan(Culture is the Core of Unity)
1979 Bersatu Berdisplin(United and Disciplined)
1980 Berdisplin Berbakti(Discipline and Service)
1981 Berdisplin Berharmoni(Discipline and Harmony)
1982 Berdisplin Giat Maju(Discipline Creates Progress)
1983 Bersama Ke Arah Kemajuan(Together Towards Success)
1984 Amanah Asas Kejayaan(Honesty Brings Success)
1985 Nasionalisme Teras Perpaduan(Nationalism is the Core of Unity)
1986 Bangsa Tegas Negara Teguh(Steadfast Society, Strong Country)
1987 Setia Bersatu Berusaha Maju(Loyally United and Progressively Working)
1988 Bersatu(Unity)
1989 Bersatu(Unity)
1990 Berjaya(Success)
1991 Wawasan 2020(Vision 2020)
1992 Wawasan Asas Kemajuan(Vision is the Basis of Progress)
1993 Bersatu Menuju Wawasan(Together Towards Vision)
1994 Nilai Murni Jayakan Wawasan(Good Values Makes the Vision a Success)
1995 Jatidiri Pengerak Wawasan(Steadfastness Moves the Vision Forward)
1996 Budaya Penentu Kecapaian(Culture Determines Achievements )
1997 Akhlak Mulia Masyarakat Jaya(Good Values Make a Successful Society)
1998 Negara Kita, Tanggungjawab Kita(Our Country, Our Responsibility)
1999 Bersatu Ke Alaf Baru(Together Towards the New Millennium)
2000–2006 Keranamu Malaysia(Because of you, Malaysia)
2007 Malaysiaku Gemilang(My Glorious Malaysia)
2008 Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan(Unity Is The Core of Success)
2009 1 Malaysia: Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan(1 Malaysia: People First, Performance Now)
2010 1 Malaysia: Menjana Transformasi(1 Malaysia Transforming the Nation)
2011 1 Malaysia: Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera(1 Malaysia: Transformation Success, People Peace)
2012 55 Tahun Merdeka: Janji Ditepati(55 Years of Independence: Promises Fulfilled)
The 2012 theme has proven to be controversial, as it is seen by many Malaysians to be a political slogan rather than a patriotic one. The official "logo" was also ridiculed for its unconventional design. A video of the theme song uploaded on YouTube (with lyrics penned by Rais Yatim) has garnered an overwhelming number of "dislikes" because of its overtly political content, which had nothing to do with the spirit of independence.
And also Malaysia National Day theme logo list:
Best Rergards,